MLO Monday

Why Facebook Groups Are Crucial For Loan Officers

Have you noticed the slump?

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I’m referring to the slump in traffic and engagement on Facebook that has killed many real estate agents’ and loan officers’ businesses?

As you may or may not know, a series of algorithm changes that were unleashed through Facebook over the last year made it practically impossible to get people to interact with your professional Facebook page whether you pay for ads or not.

These changes have left many of you scratching your heads and wondering how to regain the traction that you worked so hard to achieve on the world’s most popular social platform.

The answer to that obstacle?

Facebook Groups.

In today’s post, I’m going to walk you through all of the reasons that Facebook Groups are actually a goldmine and tell you how to leverage a Facebook Group into more business WITHOUT wasting any extra time.

Groups Get Engagement

Just as the algorithms changed to make engagement with professional Facebook pages practically impossible, they also changed to increase engagement with Facebook groups. This is because  Zuckerberg and His Infinite Wisdom discovered that users were showing preference to the content that they were seeing shared in groups. As a result, the groups that people interact with the most have the tendency to consume the majority of their newsfeed. Since the whole point of using social media for business is to engage with potential and past clients and referral partners, it is obvious that groups are where you need to be Focusing your dedicated Facebook time.

Discover Common Concerns

Positioning yourself as a valuable resource and authority on lending can do wonders for your production.  the best way to do this is to help others solve their problems. what you will frequently discover in many Facebook groups is people posting their questions and sharing their concerns or challenges. These posts are an invaluable opportunity for you to share your wealth of knowledge, not just with the person that created the post but with everyone that sees it in the future. As an added bonus, the more that you discover common questions or concerns that either buyers or real estate agents are experiencing, the better you will be able to tailor your own content on social and in your blog.

Build Valuable Relationships

Any experienced and successful loan officer will tell you that relationships are among your most valuable assets. In the past, building valuable relationships with referral partners or potential clients meant tedious tasks like making regular calls and sending gifts. as you become more active in Facebook groups and regularly provide value to the other members of those groups, you consequently reduce or even eliminate your need to keep up on those old school forms of correspondence. Share your knowledge with the community and they will reward you for it with loan applications.

You Can Steal Attention

The best thing about Facebook Groups is that they are large, captive, engaged audiences, that other people have already built for you!

All you have to do is saunter up on stage, steal the attention fo the audience, and use your 15 seconds to deliver as much value as you can.

One of the largest audiences of real estate agents in the world is in Agent Mastermind. Find out how you can gain access to tens of thousands of agents and steal the attention for yourself here.

