MLO Monday

How To Win With Rising Rates

Have you ever had the feeling that you are capable of doing and achieving more?

Are you concerned about the current and pending changes in the mortgage industry?

Would you like a strategy to explode your production, regardless of these changes?

In this episode of MLO Monday, Scott sits down with Kevin to talk about the changes we are seeing in the Mortgage Industry now, as well as, those we anticipate in the near future.

In this week’s episode, you will learn:

  • Why you aren’t living up to your full potential yet
  • Why it is NOT your fault
  • Why rising mortgage rates don’t actually matter to your production

If you are at all concerned with how you can continue to grow your business when mortgage rates are on the rise, you need to tune into and save this episode of MLO Monday.

What Is Holding You Back From Success?

If you are like most loan officers, you sometimes struggle to win over the majority of the agents that you speak to on the phone or book meetings with. Getting agents and referral partners to see the genuine value in what you have to offer when you meet with them is a huge obstacle to your success.

Now more than ever, it is essential that you establish a way to set yourself apart from the competition and “wow” every agent. One of the best ways to do this is to be your most genuine self.

How do you establish yourself as being credible, different, and genuine? Here are a few ways:

  • Stick to the number of minutes agreed to for each meeting
  • Ask why they took your meeting and affirm their decision
  • Let them know that you understand how steep the competition is for their attention

If you can establish the fact that the two of you would be stronger together, as partners, you will give them a reason to trust you and and refer to you.

What Can You Do To Win Over More Agents?

One of the most powerful ways that you can stand out and win more referrals from real estate agents is to empower them to close more business. Most people that are still in the mortgage industry are competent and capable of working loans.

However, few LO’s bother to share powerful marketing tools and tactics with agents that will enable them to list more properties. Providing that type of value to your prospective referral partners will showcase how and why they should send their business to you.

How To Achieve The Success You Deserve

You are always going to face challenges and objections in your conversations with agents and potential referral partners. The more familiar you are with those objections, the better prepared you will be to overcome them. If you haven’t already, find a role-playing partner who you can practice your referral partner conversations with on a very frequent basis. The more you practice, the faster you will reach the $100 Million mark.

Are You Ready To Get To $100 Million This Year?

It can be hard to accept, but you are worthy of success.

The truth is that you do have the ability to be a Millionaire Loan Officer or leading branch manager.

However, you may never get there without the right systems and tools (like a virtual assistant) in place.

If you are feeling trapped by limitations or stuck on the ladder to success, then it is time you booked your strategy call with me.

During our call, I will help you to understand exactly what is holding you back and exactly what you need to become a Millionaire Loan Officer or branch manager this year.

Accept success and claim your strategy call.

To your success!


