MLO Monday

How To Become Every Local Realtor’s Go-To Lender

Are you the best loan officer in your market?

Use this to become the Go-to lender now!

Are you confident that you have what it takes to close more loans than anyone in your office?

Even if you are, the problem of attracting loyal real estate agents is getting more and more difficult.

Real estate agents are getting pitched to every day by all kinds of vendors in all kinds of industries and they are more than a little resistant to being pitched by you.

If you want to become the go-to lender for every real estate agent around, you’re going to need to know how to do more than cold-call and randomly pitch yourself.

Don’t Overstep Your Bounds

One of the most common complaints that real estate agents have about lenders is that they often try to tell them how to do their job or do it for them. While you may be trying to come from a good place, it is imperative that you are careful not to cross the line while working together as a team with real estate agents. Undermining the agent’s authority or competence is a quick way to eliminate the future possibilities of earning their referrals. Instead, reassure the agent that you are there for them if they need extra help but also let them know you are confident in their ability to come through on their own.

Deliver The Most Value

Just because you can’t always provide the lowest rates doesn’t mean that you can’t still compete and be viewed as the most valuable lender in your market. Find ways to over-deliver in the execution of the loan, as well as, your service to both the buyers and the agents. The more value that you deliver to all parties involved, the harder it will be for anyone to refer to a competing lender. Keep in mind, that many people would be happy to pay a slightly higher rate for over the top service.

Admit When You’re Wrong

We are all human and we all make mistakes. What separates the top-producing lenders from the rest, is their ability to admit it when they have made a mistake and do whatever it takes to make it right. Getting caught in a lie with either your buyers or the agents is a sure-fire way to guarantee this will be the last loan you close with them.

Reciprocate Referrals

If you have a real estate agent that has been a loyal referral partner, it is only right that you reciprocate the favor by providing referrals back to that agent. Even if you can’t provide direct referrals, be sure to reach out to that agent and find out if there is another way in which you can help support their growth and prosperity. If an agent feels as though they are constantly bringing you business without getting anything in return, that steady stream of referrals is sure to dry up.

Want More Help Becoming Every Real Estate Agent’s Go-To Lender?

There are a lot of complexities and various strategies to master if you want to become the number one loan officer in your market.

The way I see it you have two options; you can try to discover them all on your own, or you can save a ton of time and money by signing up for this free training in which I reveal the exact process you need to follow to achieve the success you dream of.

