Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

Going from $1.77 to Uber Successful MLO with Hakim Singleton

To build a great mortgage business, every loan officer faces challenges. Many use them as excuses to stagnate.

But, Hakim Singleton let nothing stop him: Growing up in a rough neighborhood in North Philadelphia, he learned invaluable lessons that let him fast-track his success in the mortgage industry.

In this episode, million dollar loan officer and master marketer, Hakim Singleton reveals how to grow your mortgage business and put it on auto-pilot.

Show highlights include:

  • How reading the MLO book takes you from broke to a million dollar loan officer ([2:21])
  • Why hearing “no” 76 times an hour magnetizes clients to your business ([3:31])
  • Why transparency in your Facebook ads connects you with people that relate to your story (and how that translates into writing more loans) ([5:08])
  • How growing up in “the hood” skyrockets your mortgage business ([5:35])
  • The “5 Second Rule” that trains your mind to do the gut-wrenching work that moves you forward (and how that increases your business 10-fold) ([7:12])
  • How packing your own lunch impresses your clients (and makes them want to sign with you immediately) ([9:03])
  • The “Tasting the Soup” method that helps you stand out from your competition by having a potluck with all your business contacts ([12:36])

Want to get your questions answered live? Head to and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

