MLO Monday

Why Facebook Ads With Scott Hudspeth and John Rey

Are you currently running Facebook Ads in an effort to build your mortgage business?

Do you ever wonder if the results you are getting are worth what you’re spending?

Would you be interested in maximizing your Facebook Ad returns?

Of course you would! On this episode of Mortgage Marketing Animals, Scott catches up with Agent Mastermind member John Rey to share tips and tricks to creating profitable Facebook Ads.

In this episode of Mortgage Marketing Animals Weekly, you will learn:


  • Why Facebook Ads are a valuable marketing tool
  • How to navigate Facebook’s boost feature
  • What makes a Facebook Ad fail


Boosts vs. Full Ads

Anyone that has a professional Facebook Page is familiar with the prompt to boost a post. To that end, pretty much anyone that has a professional Facebook Page has succumb to temptation and boosted at least a post or two. After all, boosting a post seems to be the fastest, easiest way to get more exposure for your post.

The question is, is it the smartest way?

The truth is that boosting a post is much faster and easier than assembling an ad in Facebook’s more powerful marketing tool, Facebook Ads Manager. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, boosts could be the fastest and easiest way to waste your money.

Setting Goals For Your Boosts

While there are several components that will go into the success or failure rates of your boosted posts, setting the right goal should be a primary concern.

Consider the type of content that you are boosting and what type of result you hope to achieve. For example, if you are boosting a post discussing a new loan product you offer, you may want to select the goal that will drive people to message you and ask questions about the product.

Choosing Your Audience

The audience that you select for the targeting of your boosted post is arguably the most important component. It is crucial that you put a lot of thought into the people that you are targeting with your boosted post in order to get engagement from the right people.

The audience you select should be based off of your goals. For example, if you are trying to build brand power in your local market, you should select a lookalike audience in your desired geographical area. This will establish social proof and peak the interest of your targets, as well as, their friends.

Are You Ready To Get To $100 Million This Year?

It can be hard to accept, but you are worthy of success.

The truth is that you do have the ability to be a Millionaire Loan Officer or leading branch manager.

However, you may never get there without the right systems and tools (like a virtual assistant) in place.

If you are feeling trapped by limitations or stuck on the ladder to success, then it is time you booked your strategy call with me.

During our call, I will help you to understand exactly what is holding you back and exactly what you need to become a Millionaire Loan Officer or branch manager this year.

Accept success and claim your strategy call.

To your success!


