Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 37: Mastering The Purchase Lead Business with Andy Mears

The two biggest deterrents people focus on for not becoming a loan officer is 100% commission and building relationships.

But when you focus on the relationship piece, it lets you make the 100% commission people shy away from so much.

MLO Andy Mears has a simple lead generation formula that lets his team of loan processors follow to close loans quicker. He shares how to implement the purchase lead process for your business.

In this episode, discover how you can put a lead generation process in place to make your company grow faster.

Show highlights include:

  • How purchasing leads fills your pipeline of clients (even if you already have regular business) ([0:34])
  • Why buying leads lets you create a close personal relationship with your clients (and how you can ask them for referrals) ([5:38])
  • The “Lead Generation Tool” that expedites your loan officers learning curve for closing loans ([6:48])
  • Why converting leads at a 15-20% rate skyrockets your business ([10:49])

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