Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 29: How Body Language Can Change Your Life And Business Overnight with Allie Irwin

You probably know what body language is. But most likely you don’t know how to read it or use it the right way.

Learning the signs of body language will give you an edge that catapults your success!

Body language coach Allie Irwin mentors her clients to recognize clues from others while emoting positive vibes for yourself.

In this episode, discover how you can interpret and perform different types of body language today.

Show highlights include:

  • How having good body language mechanics when you walk into a room sets you up for overwhelming success (even if you don’t know a single person) ([2:19])
  • Why looking at your phone prevents you from getting sales ([4:24])
  • How doing Zoom calls inhibits your brain’s ability to release oxytocin that connects you to people ([10:11])
  • Why reading your clients’ body language gives you information they don’t even know they’re giving you (and you can get to a deal quicker) ([12:58])

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