Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 26: 38,000 to 380,000 In 1 Year with Kristin Jamieson

Many entrepreneurial-minded people that want a career change use the DISC profile to gauge tendencies and patterns of behavior.

But what if you threw that out the window and challenged the status quo?

The original millionaire loan officer Kristin Jamieson defied the odds of her DISC Profile. She went from a $38,000 task-oriented loan processor desk job to a $380,000 goal-oriented MLO in just 1 year.

In this episode, discover what it takes to be a trendsetter at your office and become a millionaire loan officer.

Show highlights include:

  • How marketing reverse mortgages increases your income ten-fold by handing out two different business cards ([2:54])
  • Why making homemade blueberry muffins gives you tons of client referrals ([6:24])
  • The “Defy the DISC Profile Odds” method that goes against your core being (and lets you acquire more clients) ([7:22])
  • Why working every day for 2 years straight lets you close $5 million in loans per month (and how you can start stuffing flyers today to do that) ([9:01])
  • How making new friends gives you purpose to give back the community ([11:52])

Want to get your questions answered live? Head to and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

