Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 23: What a Real Mortgage Business Looks Like Closing $5 Million a Month with Freedom to Travel and Enjoy Life with Nate Soliday

The world is changing all around you and so is the mortgage industry. But when you have tough times, you have to go all in and focus on the activities that will help your business.

If you’re struggling to grow your business in this transforming environment, then millionaire loan officer Nate Soliday has the solution for you.

He had a 3-person office pre-COVID. And Nate was able to grow his business during the pandemic virtually using the phone and Zoom. Now he’s in the top 1% of the country for loans written.

In this episode, he reveals how to hire team members virtually and skyrocket your business.

Show highlights include:

  • Why having your database organized to auto-generate leads every month gives you the opportunity to close more loans ([3:44])
  • How building a team virtually gives you more time to do marketing while you write more loans ([10:09])
  • Why constantly hiring team members lets you upgrade each role to grow your business (even if some people quit or get let go) ([13:10])
  • How spending money on people’s salaries grows your business so you don’t have to be there ([14:18])
  • Why having a mentor teaches you the skills to be successful (and shows you how to get new business) ([18:56])

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