Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 22: How Kyla Whitmore Found the Silver Lining and Tripled Her Volume, When Most Would Give Up

If you’re like most people, you won’t turn down more money. But what you may not realize is it usually means more money, more work.

But what if you didn’t have to work more to make more?

Millionaire loan officer Kyla Whitmore figured out a way to increase her volume while working less.

In this episode, she reveals how to hire people and delegate responsibilities to skyrocket your business.

Show highlights include:

  • How being a caregiver for a family member forces you grow your business (even if you don’t want to) ([3:51])
  • Why delegating tasks you don’t want to do triples your revenue ([7:17])
  • How taking your spouse with you to meetings lets you work with 90 real estate agents at the same time ([9:55])
  • Why being petrified when you are public speaking gives you the confidence to succeed at anything ([11:31])
  • How letting your team make mistakes teaches them the skills they need for success (and allows your office to thrive) ([12:28])

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