Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 19: 2 Steps Backwards and 10 Steps Forward Closing In On 100 Million with Brad Brondt

“Oh crap, I forgot to call [insert name]!”

How many times has that happened to you in your business?

Many people from all industries forget to make follow up phone calls. But not making those calls can cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Having a process in place that takes that off your plate is worth the price alone.

Millionaire Loan Officer Brad Brondt designed a form and process that helps you with follow up phone calls. Implementing that process could increase your business by the millions.

In this episode, discover how you use the form to follow up with more clients and skyrocket your business.

Show highlights include:

  • Why having a client relations manager increases your business ([10:15])
  • The “Wufu Form” that masters the follow up process to net you millions ([13:32])
  • Why sending a text message every Thursday collects endless referral clients for you ([19:31])
  • How eating half of a watermelon finds more buyers for you ([25:47])

Want to get your questions answered live? Head to and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

