Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

EP 15: Podcasting secrets for branding and Red Light, Yellow Light, Green light with Phil Treadwell

Creating a podcast can be a daunting task.

But, if you use the basic marketing principles:

* Who is your audience?

* What is the message for that audience?

* How are you going to deliver that message to that audience?

It can catapult you to great heights in your business (even if you’ve never done a podcast before).

Phil Treadwell did just that. He went from dropping off photocopied flyers at people’s houses to gain clients….

….to creating more than 120+ podcast episodes that now garners him nearly $100 million a year in loans.

In this episode, he reveals how to use podcasting to magnetize new customers and multiply your profits.

Show highlights include:

  • Why posting content on Facebook gives you credibility to attract more clients (even if you are a rookie loan officer) ([1:56])
  • How following Gary Vaynerchuk on Instagram adds thousands of your own followers (and turns those people into leads) ([2:42])
  • How creating long form content hits the podcasting trifecta “video, audio, and written material” (and how it unlocks your mind to become a better loan officer) ([6:00])
  • Why being consistent at writing loans negates the slumps of meeting with non-qualified borrowers ([11:02])
  • The “70% Failure Rate” method that lets you be a top 5% earner ([14:55])

Want to get your questions answered live? Head to and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

