Millionaire Loan Officer Podcast

Ep 13: How giving first helped Brady Webb enter the double comma club!

Brady Webb learned hard work and moral integrity from his dad growing up on a farm in Kentucky.

Using those skills, he played baseball and put himself through college. Upon graduating, Brady entered the workforce and started his mortgage company.

Twenty-three years later, he still uses those same skills he learned as a boy.

In this episode, Brady reveals how timeless, simple skills let you become a million-dollar loan officer.

Show highlights include:

  • Why dreaming about hitting goals holds you back from writing four loans a month ([4:41])
  • Why hiring someone doesn’t cost you any money ([5:59])
  • The “Pick Up And Move Your Business” method that grows your company ([8:41])
  • How working remotely builds better relationships with your team ([9:47])
  • Why giving away a deal creates a strong relationship that builds your business ([16:00])

Want to get your questions answered live? Head to and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

