MLO Monday

Does This “Pie” Recipe Really Generate Endless Real Estate Agent Referrals?

Who doesn’t love getting a referral from a real estate agent that you worked with in the past here or there?

Skip to the pie recipe here

Better yet, who doesn’t love pie?

What if I told you there is a “secret magic pie” recipe with a secret ingredient that makes real estate agents send you all of their referrals exclusively?!

Wouldn’t you want to know the recipe for that pie?

Hold onto your mortgage calculators my friends because here comes the secret ingredient…

The secret ingredient to that delicious little recipe is guilt.

The best part of this pie is that there are several ways to bake it and they are all easy as…well…you know hehe.

In today’s post, I’m going show you a few ways to bake guilt into a magic pie that feeds you referrals forever.

Bake It With Blog Posts

Imagine how pumped you would be if someone came to you and said they loved what you were doing as a loan officer and want to write a feature blog article all about it then share it to their social media to promote you. You’d probably be both thrilled and grateful right? You’d probably also feel enticed to want 2 return the favor in some way right? You can do the same thing for real estate agents with a book of business that you want the exclusive rights to.

Sweeten It Up With A Video Series

Just as you could feature top producing real estate agents in block posts, you could create a video series that appeals to buyers and invite those real estate agents to join you in the series. This exposure will not only help both of you to grow your presence online and reach new potential clients together, but it will also compel the agents that you feature to return the favor. The more often that you invite them to participate in the series with you, the more they will feel in-debt to you.

Plump It Up With A Real Estate Podcast

Podcasts are all the rage right now. People are flocking from video to audio because it is a more convenient way for them to consume the same content while multitasking like running on the treadmill or dropping the kids off at school. By starting a podcast of your own where you feature real estate agents and help them show off their own talents, you can ignite that same guilt at an even higher temperature.

An Agent’s A’ la Mode

Pie is delicious, sure!

But a pie that is fresh out of the oven with a whopping scoop of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on top is heaven.

In this case, the perfect topping to our guilt pie would be to continuously provide value to the agents in a way that makes them eager to throw up their hands and hand over all of their business.

I’ve got that topping for you right here.

